Car Talk

Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide On Your Car Engine

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One comes across countless tips and tricks on online forums being discussed amongst petrol heads who have also once heard these myths from a distrustful source. Amongst such myths is the one of Adding Sugar to Your Fuel System to improve fuel efficiency. Written below is the analysis of the science (and majorly fiction) behind these rumors.

The Chemical Make-up Of Hydrogen Peroxide

To discuss what hydrogen peroxide is made up of, chemically the substance is a compound with the formula H202, which is water with an additional oxygen molecule bonded to it. Hence, this makes hydrogen peroxide an effective oxidizer that is used substantially for domestic purposes such as cleaning, whitening, gardening, removing stains, etc. However, just because its uses seem harmless, does not make the substance harmless to mix with gasoline. Water Enters your Gas Tank can lead to serious issues with your vehicle’s performance and safety.

What Happens When You Add Hydrogen Peroxide To Your

Car’s Engine System

This should not come as a surprise that Hydrogen Peroxide is one of the worst liquids to put in your car gas tank. No matter where you got the idea of adding hydrogen peroxide to increase the fuel efficiency of your car, or just give it a bit of an extra uplift, do not try it at home! Here are the reasons explaining The Impact of Coke on Your Car Engines and what happens:

Hyper Oxidation:

Gasoline is designed in a way to complement your engine and be combusted consistently and in a controlled manner. When hydrogen peroxide is added to the fuel tank, the linear and controlled combustion gets exacerbated and the extra oxygen leads to your fuel being burned too hot. This can lead to a massive catastrophe in the worst-case scenario. Bleach Can Destroy Your Car Engine if it interacts with fuel, causing similar issues and potentially severe damage.

Corrosive Chemical:

Hydrogen Peroxide is known to be a corrosive chemical. Once it gets mixed into your fuel tank, it can be detrimental to the inner machinery of your car because once in contact with the metal, hydrogen peroxide will keep chipping away the insides of your fuel tank and car engine and lead to corrosive build-up which will in-turn cause long-lasting damage. This makes it one of the Worst Liquids to Put in a Car Gas Tank.

Catastrophic Foaming:

Dangers of Salt in Your Gas Tank can be significant. Hydrogen Peroxide is a chemical that completely dissolves in water but it produces exceptional fizz and gas bubbles when it does so. Now picture hydrogen peroxide fizzing and producing heat in a tank full of gasoline; the results are not so great even in the imagination.

Erratic Performance:

Let us suppose your car somehow survives all the above-mentioned damages and is still running; this would make your car an even bigger hazard to be around. The uneven combustion in your engine will cause poor acceleration and loss of control, and in the worst case, failure of the engine in the middle of the road. 

Conclusively, hydrogen peroxide is one of the worst materials you could add to your gas tank which will cause nothing but a concoction of stress and misery to your day. There will be none other than completely catastrophic and dangerous consequences for you to face after you make such a decision. SAT Japan takes your car purchase and maintenance as a personal responsibility and you should research thoroughly before adding an unknown substance to your engine. 

Now that you have a deeper understanding of exactly what effects hydrogen peroxide has on the inner workings of your car’s fuel tank and engine, let us move on to the other burning questions some may have:


Can Hydrogen Peroxide Increase Horsepower?

What to do if I accidentally poured hydrogen peroxide into my gas tank?

Can I clean the fuel injectors of my car with hydrogen peroxide?

Is there any situation where adding hydrogen peroxide to the gas tank would be a good idea?

Is there a safe amount of hydrogen peroxide I may add to the gas tank?

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