Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is a disclosure that gives our visitors information on how we use cookies on our website. This page will help you understand how our company uses cookies and what sort of information we collect through them.

What are Cookies?

  • These are the files that store small information on the browser on your computer's hard drive.
  • Cookies allow us to improve the performance of our website for our users and better understand their preferences.
  • Cookies enhance your browsing experience and allow us to offer you personalized content. Using our website means you are agreeing to our terms of use.

Types of Cookies We Use

Cookies help us distinguish you from other users on our website and provide a browsing experience based on your preferences. Here are some of the cookies we use to improve the performance of our website.

 Essential Cookies

These are necessary cookies required for the basic functioning of our website. These cookies assist you in navigating and using the features of our website. These cookies are usually set in response to your actions, such as submitting forms or entering password-protected parts of the website. Essential cookies do not require user consent.

 Analytical Cookies

These cookies help us gather information on how many visitors use our website. It allows us to analyze website traffic and track user interaction. Analytical cookies help us improve the performance of our website and the content present on it. We ensure that users find what they are looking for through analytical cookies.

Targeting Cookies

These cookies track your visit to our website, the pages you visited, and the links you clicked. We utilize this data to tailor our website and display advertising more relevant to your interests. We may also divulge this information to other parties. We can share and transfer information to other websites through these cookies.

Functionality Cookies

These cookies assist us in improving the performance of the website by recording the count of visitors. Through these cookies, we personalize the user experience by showing content based on the user's preferences when they visit our website. Functionality cookies also allow us to offer chat support.

More on Cookies

How to Manage or Block Cookies

Most browsers allow you to control or manage cookies through the browser settings. You can decline cookies from these settings. However, note that blocking cookies can affect the website's functionality, which can affect your user experience.

Updates on Cookie Policy

We can change our cookie policy occasionally, depending upon changes in technology, business practices, or the law. We encourage all our users to check our policy for any updates. You can see the date of the latest version at the top of our page.

Contact us

In case of any query or concern, don't hesitate to contact us at or